free mobile networking app for online entrepreneurs

Connect with Online Entrepreneurs

Working on an online business? With founderhunt, you can find other online entrepreneurs, ready to talk about business

From manual matchmaking, to a highly-accurate system

Vision vs MVP

Meet inspiring founders to discuss business, for any motive or reason.

Vision: To categorize conversation motives by colour, and implement a matchmaking system. Resulting in high-value business conversations, consistently

Founderhunt vs alternatives


The Power of founderhunt is more data

DifferencesLinkedinLunchclubFounderhuntValue of Difference
Online entrepreneurs only✖️✖️✔️collaborative environment, shared goals, mutual understanding.
Connections Recommendations✔️(random)✖️✔️(industry)find, and be found automatically
Profile tags (open text)✖️✖️✔️Clarifies on the specialties of others
Bio (open text)✔️✔️✔️Others understand what you are working on
'interest' profile topic (open text)✖️✖️✔️Other users understand what you are looking for
Governance✖️✖️✔️cost-free app update requests
Project landingpage ('External Profile')✖️✖️✔️Website traffic based on interest

it almost sounds too good to be true..


The app is completely free to use! But it does have paid options

Paid Optionsfree $0/mbeginner $30/m
Explore profiles✔️✔️
use search filter✖️✔️

Don't wait and start testing its value today

Beta version just launched!

Founderhunt, connecting founders based on potential value.


Request an app update

or let us know what profile criteria we should add or remove

Whats on the list?

  • Notifications

  • Tag networking motives by Colour

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